MI-8040 Great Lakes MI Small Animal Practice
The hospital is a 1.25 FTE doctor small animal exclusive practice. The current owner is looking to retire but would work a short time to assist the buyer with the transition.
2018 Revenue = $843,354
2019 Revenue = $789,327
2020 Revenue = $691,301
The hospital is well equipped with Cutting Edge MLS Laser Therapy system, Abaxis HM5 Hematology Analyzer, Rayence DR x-ray, dental x-ray, Abaxis VetScan, and much more.
Lansing is the capital of Michigan and the sixth largest city in the state. Nearby East Lansing is home to Michigan State University and the area features two medical schools, one veterinary school, two nursing schools, and two law schools. Major industries in the area are government, education, insurance, healthcare, and automobile manufacturing. Healthcare is easily accessible via Sparrow Hospital and McLaren-Greater Lansing Hospital. The Lansing area has been on various “Best Places to Live” lists over the years including Best Affordable, Top Places, Safest Cities, Best to Raise a Family, and Lowest Cost of Living. Lansing also has a large variety of events and institutions such as parades, music, festivals, markets, museums, theatres, and parks to explore.
Emergency and veterinary referral centers are available nearby.
The practice is offered at $300,000 and includes $20,000 of inventory and supplies.