General Practice For Sale in Greenville, South Carolina
We have 5 operatories with the 5th equipped but not yet plumbed. There are 3,000 sq. ft in the office. We collect $1.2m annually. We have a unique office – -the vast majority of our practice is general dentistry – lots of crowns and restorative. We also do a fair amount of endo – – We see some special needs patients as well and have a CRNA come in 2-3 times per month to perform general anesthesia. The current doctor will help with a transition — they are having health issues and desire to retire. They will however help with a transition – they will help with endo and also, the CRNA is willing to continue offering services. We have a good team – – 1 Hygienist – 2 Assistants and 2 Front Desk – We are in network and work less than 32 hours per week. We use Dentrix s/w and are paperless and all digital.