Central DFW Metroplex Pediatric Dental Practice for Sale
In a place as big as the “Big D,” there are so many unique neighborhoods to discover, new restaurants to try, museums to wander through and adventures to unfold that you can stay occupied for quite some time. New to the market is a well-established pediatric dental practice for sale! The current doctor has practiced in the community for over twenty years and is therefore interested in exploring transition opportunities. In addition to the owner/doctor, the practice supports three associate dentists as well. The practice has two sedation rooms, two consult rooms and eight open-bay chairs, for a total of ten operatories.
For an overview of this Fort Worth pediatric dental practice, read below:
10 operatories
Collections of $875,000
Seller’s Discretionary Earnings $332,000
2500 active patients
25 new patients/month
Owner doctor & 3 associates
Great location with massive growth potential