General Dental Practice For Sale - Rochester, NY

Price available upon request

General practice

4 operatories
$388,164 in annual collections

Here is an amazing opportunity for a first time owner to get in to a 15 year old practice 11 minutes from the heart of Rochester, at a very reasonable cost, and with tons of upside potential.   Located in an established suburb with a steady population, large employers, diverse population with an median income of $101k.  Most speciality including surgical extractions, molar endo, removable, and pros are referred out.  No marketing.  Amazing roadside visibility for additional signage as well.  Staff are willing to stay on post close.  All equipment is functioning optimally with digital radiographs, hygiene digital charts, and Dentrix.  No medicaid, all PPO, FFS, and 10% cash. Also, seller financing available for practice.

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