GP Practice for Sale in Eastern Raleigh, NC Suburb

For sale

General practice

5 operatories
$660,000 in annual collections

Our Seller desires to retire to Florida and does not want to work a transitional period but will assist in pre-closing marketing to all patients to transfer the goodwill. We are in Network with most insurances. We are in a small suburb of Raleigh, NC – – Roughly 20-30 min east. We have 4 operatories equipped with 1 additional plumbed for a total of 5. We have 1 .3 Hygienists, 1 Assistant and 1 Front Desk – all who will stay after the sale. We are old school – -we are bread and butter. Although we have Easy Dental PMS we use paper charts. We have ScanX as our digital solution. – all tenants have a separate entrance and will stay after the sale. We refer most procedures and we are asking $399,000 for the practice.

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